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Sex, Money and Real Estate

Feb 24, 2020

YES!!! Working together & dating are two separate activities. Just because you spend time together at the office or on appointments does NOT qualify as a date!!

This was a HUGE learning curve for Bill and a source of many breakdowns. He was collapsing the time we spent working as “quality time” or equivalent to what...

Feb 17, 2020

Bill & Nancy Jamison, this is the story of US...est 1996 

#JAMlifestyle #balancedboldconnected #thisisUS


Feb 10, 2020

We've read 100's of books. You may agree and disagree on our list, yet this is what we’ve found most influential, & frankly transformative, for us.

What is a foundational book? We define a foundational book as one that you reference often - even going back to once per week - and reread at least once per year.

We learn...

Feb 3, 2020

grat·i·tude (/ˈɡradəˌt(y)o͞od/ noun)

--the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

This is the show that discusses how adding this one MIRACULOUS habit has changed our lives. WARNING - if you do not have this in your toolbox, you will NOT step fully into and...

Feb 3, 2020

Sex & Intimacy (IN-TO-ME-I-SEE)

The WIN-WIN from when combining a Joyous, Abundant, Mature (J.A.M.) relationship with sexual energy & intimacy = deep emotional connection, higher trust, ability to be vulnerable, fully accepting and unconditional...its a supercharged connection that has the power to create worlds,...